This is where the arts and letters have flourished since early antiquity. The two most important lyric poets of Lesvos were Alcaeus and Sappho. Alcaeus, possibly the first political poet, was better known for his pieces on love. But if he was an artist - activist, Sappho was something more. Defying all conven - tions of the times, which wanted women docile and humble, she, too, got involved in politics, was temporarily exiled to Sicily and returned to found a school of dance and music on Mytilene. 

With such deep roots in intellectual tradition and independent thought, it comes as no great surprise that this very same island birthed men of the arts and letters such as Elytis, Myrivilis, Venezis, Panseli - nos, Iakovidis, Eleftheriadis, Theophilos. 

Source: North Aegean Region - https://www.pvaigaiou.gov.gr

Chamber of Lesvos
71 Kountourioti Pavlou Street, 811 31 Mytilene
+30 2251028431, +30 2251029727

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