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Kimonas was born on Christmas 23-12-1981, that is, he is the son of George Saxioni and Christina Saxioni.
Their families have been practicing the profession of baker for 4 generations. Thus, the family bakery and confectionery business took its name from little Kimonas.
The eldest son of the family is called Dimitris (25-6-1979). The two children, almost from babies, are engaged in the business from its first store Confectionery - Pizzeria - Cafeteria founded by their parents. In the beginning, as a "toy", they helped and teased their parents with their scandals, playing with eggs. flour, sugar etc.
Thus, growing up, Kimonas diligently dealt with the productivity of the company, with his father and brother by his side. Together they are a very organized company that each of them individually oversees their line of responsibility for the production of their many different traditional products. Dimitris prepares all puff pastry products.
George prepares pastes, sweets and ice creams
Christina the cakes.
Kimonas the pastries.
Since then and thanks to the passion of entrepreneurs with the bakery, the tradition is kept in all their products as before, without industrialized raw materials using whatever natural ingredient there is. All raw materials, 90% are Greek and are all from our region, ie flour, eggs, oil, butter, anise, cheese, olives, etc.
It is well known that the goal of "industrialization" is one: To completely remove the consumer from the real quality and healthy nutrition!
"Kimonas" holds in his hands the secrets of bread production from the first century when people started making bread. Our flour today is produced in Lemnos and is ground in a stone mill. Therefore, our bread is made with these secrets and with traditional yeast.
Today the company "Kimonas" in Mytilene and Lemnos, is perhaps one of the few companies that produce pure traditional products. All the products that you will find in our stores are exclusively our production, and none of them are manufactured outside our laboratories. That's why our stores stand out!

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