Το Καφενείο των Θεόφιλων - Theofilon Café


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A beautiful station for those who explore the beauties of the place ........
Traditional and modern flavors matched with a lot of taste and taste .... The espresso freshly ground, the sweets of the spoon handmade, and the Greek on the embers. The color of the village is present in the wood-carved sofas and in the ceramic utensils ...
Stand and relax in the cafe of Theophiles meeting the authenticity of the flavors.

Friends of God, friends of Theophilos, friends of Art, friends of the beautiful and well-groomed, the "Cafe of Theophilos". This is the new Cafe of Spyros and Stavroula, which opened in Agiasos. It has all the specifications, to be happy "soul and body". Because, in order to be happy, it is not enough just to give pleasure to the body but also to the spirit. This is what our friends are trying to do, who chose the mountainous Agiasos as their permanent residence, coming to the region from the Center of Greece. Young people with expectations dare to share dreams and life with their fellow citizens. A Cafe is a CAFE, period and hyphen. It is a place where everything fits and heals everything! The traditional Greek Kafenes wrote a story because, while it was addressed exclusively to men, it also cured the whole family from certain pains. The "master and master" returned home calmer and lighter, as he took out all his skeletons and insides in the cafe. Spyros and Stavroula kept many elements of the traditional cafe and its psychology, of course opening its doors to members of the whole family. They promote the tradition of Agiasos through the aesthetics of the space they built and the quality of everything they have at the "Cafe of Theophiles". They did not forget to honor the products of the local Cooperatives and to offer quality drinks and beverages with the smile that distinguishes them. A "Cafe of Theophilos" is for the friends of simplicity, genuine, art, all these elements, which characterize our great Folk Painter Theophilos. This cafe is addressed to all of us, because we all have a real artist hidden. We all have in us the Truth and the spontaneous Simplicity….

Writes by Virginia Kritikou - Zourou

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Το Καφενείο των Θεόφιλων - Theofilon Café
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Το Καφενείο των Θεόφιλων - Theofilon Café
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